During the courting days, Hubs used to bring me to Starbuck, Coffee Bean, Dome and all those famous cafes to impress me. Well, I must say I like the ambience too. But then, since we got married, there's not much time (and money) spare for us to just go and lepak at a cafe. Even if there is a little, it will be mamaking at Kapitan. Now with the baby coming on board end of the year, I can't imagine there will be anymore time for going out, let alone having yamcha session.
Yesterday, Hubs was trying to find back the time to enjoy life after been thru such a hectic job. Although I was tired, I decided to go along cause there ain't much of this kinda session to pass. Hubs was so sweet to allow me a cold drink, Strawberry Milk Shake while he opted for the famous White Coffee.

We even ordered a double toast. I must say it is way yummier and loaded compared to O'town in New World Park. The one in O'town, either they were short of butter and kaya or they were just plain kiamsiap (stingy).

And that was Hubs playing his FB Kung Fu Pet, named Tauhu in the background.

Although at times I'm jealous of the mind Hubs has, I must admit I admired his analytical thinking. Most of the times, the games that we played, we started almost the same time but he'll be miles ahead of me in terms of scores. There were even times when I geram and don't allow him to play same game as me or stop playing the game when he's so far ahead already. And what more? He's always telling others I'm smarter than him, just that he's more hardworking. If only I have more of his brain.....