Friday, February 13, 2009


It's been ages since I dropped by and it has been growing spider webs in here. I'll try to keep this post short and simple, so as not to bore you and most importantly..still keep my interest in updating. A few random things

1. I had a gotten myself a job in a kindy as TEACHER, and out of it in 2 months. Never in my life had I thought I'll be a teacher someday. Well, we did thought of opening a kindy but that was just a thought. Met so many charming kiddos as well as those monsters. I love one lil girl in particular. Being just 22months, she is so clever and well behave. I love when she called me, "Teacher Lindy!". How my heart will just melt on the spot.

2. I'm now back to being unemployed and am very happy about it, despite the fact that I don't have any income anymore. I admit I'm very clingy to Hubs. With normal working hours job (8-5) we will have hard time seeing each other and had problem with transportation also. During this time with Hubs, he had thought me so much in life about financial thingy, my knowledge is expanding everyday and I'm so excited bout our future.

3. Reading 'Increase your Financial IO' by Robert Kiyosaki has made me understand truly why Hubs has been working so hard in increasing his knowledge to achieve financial freedom. I'm starting to plan my futures too and how I can make use of what I have TODAY.

4. My knowledge and interest in Gold&Silver has increase tremendously and together with Hubs, we are digging for opportunity to invest and do business. I've come to realise that currency is NOTHING when the calculated day arrive.

5. With my disappointment every month when my menses come, I finally manage to persuade Hubs to find for other alternative. We are waiting for our precious to come...just waiting for the sign.

6. For the first time in my life, I went to 'free birds'. It was meant to be a good deed, whereby you free the living souls. Oh..the birds were so adorable.
7. It's not easy to hear of others' pregnancy news and feel excited for them. At first, it only adds to my desparation, but as times goes by, I've learn to accept them and bless them. I know my turn is here. And I'm ready.

That's all I can think of now. Will try to keep this blog alive (trying hard)..